Health and Islam | 7 Best Health Teachings by Hazrat Imam Ali (a.s)
Amazing Health Related Narrations Imam Ali (a.s) Amazing Health-Related Narrations Imam Ali (a.s) Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim. As-salamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatu Allahi Ta’ala wa barakatuh. Do you want to be healthy and feel good? Perhaps you will not find anyone not sharing this goal. Whilst there is a plethora of advice online and by experts, we have wonderful recommendations in Islamic teachings, including the sayings of the Holy Ahl ul-Bayt ‘alayhum as-salam. They all lived a healthy life and would love their followers to be healthy too.
For instance, I have personally found hundreds of narrations on healthy lifestyles from the commander of the faithful Amir ul-Mu’minin, Imam Ali, ‘alayhi as-salam. Here are 10 among many of his tips in this regard.
7 Best Health-Related Narrations
1, Oral Hygiene
In many riwayat – traditions, Imam Ali ‘alayhi as-salam, encourages the usage of the Miswaq which is a teeth-cleaning twig, which has been used for over 7000 years. Although it is still widely available and can indeed be used, the emphasis in these narrations can perhaps be extended to general oral hygiene, such as brushing the teeth, gargling, as well as flossing. Your mouth is where the Qur’an is being recited. Imam Ali ‘alayhi as-salam is reported to have said ‘So hence purify it.’ In another narration, he says that cleaning the teeth pleases Allah, is the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet and a cleanser for the mouth.
2, Washing The Body With Water
The Commander of the Faithful, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said ‘Use water to rid your bodies from unpleasant smells, for Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala dislikes the unclean ones, especially those whose smell annoys anyone next to them.’ Indeed, the Holy Qur’an states that “Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala loves those who purify themselves” (2:222). We have all heard how cleanliness is part of Iman, according to hadith. As Muslims therefore, we must practice what our inspirational leaders have emphasized. Showers and baths, therefore, should be a very regular practice. Interestingly, in the book ‘Makarim ul-Akhlaq’ it is reported that Imam Ali ‘alayhi as-salam recommends drinking three handfuls of hot water before having a shower or a bath to remove any pains in the body.
3, Washing Hands Before And After Eating
Wash your hands before and after food, for this increases sustenance, and rizq, as well as improves eyesight. This was a hadith from Imam Ali ‘alayhi as-salam. It points to the esoteric link behind some actions that we do to maintain personal hygiene. It will be both good for our bodies as well as result in favours of the Almighty Subhana wa Ta’ala, such as more blessings from Him.
4, The Art Of Eating
In advice to his son, Imam al-Hasan ‘alayhi as-salam, Amir ul-Mu’minin, peace be upon him, states ‘Do not eat unless you are hungry. Leave eating whilst you are still hungry, and chew the food very well.’
5, Do not overeat
Overeating causes illness. Excessive eating corrupts the soul. Be wary of eating too much for it darkens the heart.’ These are some of the narrations from Imam ‘alayhi as-salam, highlighting the dangers of excessive consumption of food. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we lose self-control or feel pressured to eat. Even those may be situations where we may not be hungry. For example, we find ourselves when we have to eat from buffets or when we go from one invitation to another. Amir ul-Mu’minin ‘alayhi as-salam, once again links food consumption to the health of one’s soul, the nafs and highlights how the path of spirituality is illuminated with moderation and avoidance of excessiveness. In the book ‘Ghurar al-Hikam’ Imam Ali ‘alayhi as-salam, is reported to have said’ If you reduce how much you eat, your intellectual ability will enhance.
6, The Night Worship
At first glance, you might be thinking, how is this linked to a healthy lifestyle? Well, in a number of traditions, it is reported that Imam Ali ‘alayhi as-salam said ‘To stay up at night worshipping Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala, brings about health for the body, Pleasure of the Lord, adherence to the ways of the Prophets, and pouring of God’s Mercy.’ This is probably mainly linked to praying the night prayer, Salat ul-Layl, which can be prayed anytime at night, but preferably after midnight.
7, Personal Hygiene
Imam ‘alayhi as-salam recommends that the nails be trimmed every Friday. In a hadith found in the book ‘Tibb al-A’imma’ – Medicine of the Imams, he reportedly said ‘Such a deed protects against illness.’ Similarly, in the book ‘Makarim al-Akhlaq’ Imam Ali ‘alayhi as-salam is reported to have stated ‘Removing the underarm hair reduces unpleasant smells. It is indeed the Sunnah and a source of purification and what the Prophet has commanded.
Food Recommends By Hazrat Ali a.s.
Through looking at various sources, I found narrations pointing to what Amir ul-Mu’minin peace be upon him, used to eat and what he would recommend you and I to eat. Green vegetables, and eggs, starting with a little bit of salt before eating. Pomegranates, bread, vinegar, vegetable oils, dates, honey, and milk, amongst many others, were mentioned by Amir ul-Mu’minin in narrations. In an interesting narration, Imam Ali ‘alayhi as-salam encourages eating oats mixed with water or milk, like a porridge known as ‘harissa’. ‘Eat the harissa,’ he says, ‘for it gives you strength for worship for 40 days and it was the food that was descended upon Rasul Allah salla Allahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam.
Foods and Water
Despite many of us not drinking enough water these days, Imam Ali ‘alayhi as-salam, recommends that excessive water consumption should be avoided as well. He tells us ‘Do not make your hearts die with excessive food and drink. FoTheeart dies like a plant if you drink too much water.
Some vices that are related to health. The Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, warns of the impact of some spiritual vices on the body and health in general. For example, it is narrated that he said ‘The envious person is sick, even if his body is healthy.’ Similarly, he is reported to have said ‘To have hatred towards others results in ongoing illness.’
He also warns of the impact of stress and the need to de-stress to avoid illness. He stated ‘Stress dissolves the body,’ or in another narration, ‘Sadness destroys the body.’ These are some of the gems from the statements of a man who is truly a role model for each and every human being and the best student of Rasul Allah Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam. May Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala grant us permission to follow in his footsteps.
Read More: Health Related Article
Ques-1: What are the key dietary recommendations of Hazrat Imam Ali (a.s)?
Ans: Hazrat Imam Ali (a.s) emphasized moderation in eating and recommended nourishing foods such as dates, honey, and pomegranates. He advised avoiding harmful foods and stressed the importance of a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and grains.
Ques-2: How does Hazrat Imam Ali (a.s) suggest managing stress?
Ans: Imam Ali (a.s) suggested managing stress through faith, patience, and prayer. He believed that regular prayer, meditation, and recitation of the Quran provide mental peace and help alleviate stress and anxiety.
Ques-3: What is the importance of charity in maintaining health according to Hazrat Imam Ali (a.s)?
Ans: Imam Ali (a.s) taught that giving charity has numerous benefits for personal health. It reduces stress, fosters a sense of community, and promotes a positive outlook on life. Charity should be given selflessly and with a pure heart.